There are great resources online to listen to some baby French. They are really good tools to support the French classes and help you expose your little one to the language even more! You just need to start them in the background and let your child soak up the rythm and words!
For older kids who have never been exposed to French, you may have to introduce them slowly as a game to avoid rejection. Starting with some basic rhymes like we do during our classes and slowly building it up, would be a great option. Videos from ‘Le monde des Titounis, for instance, may also be a good option as they are very colourful and would attract attention.
For baby rhymes, here is my favorite and most popular Youtube channel in France ‘Le monde des Titounis’
You can also find loads of videos on La Souris Verte Youtube channel
L’enfant do channel does Karaoke versions so that you can have the word at the same time!
For stories and videos, here are my favourites
Petit Ours brun – he has been my companion throughout my childhood! It was first published as books and has now a Youtube channel!
Another interesting channels ‘Les P’tits z’Amis‘ where you can find stories, songs and the poems from La Fontaine (a must know for all French kids)
And you can get Peppa Pig in French!
Paw Patrol exists in French too under Pat’Patrouille but very few videos are available online
To learn French for older kids, the Rock’N Learn channel is quite good
To listen to baby rhymes, here is the CD I use and you can get on Amazon
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