Need to pass an exam?

We can help you prepare for your school or work exams.

  • Strenghten your exisiting knowledge
  • Fill in the gaps
  • Boost your confidence
  • Teach you the exam structure and expectations



For GCSE French you already need to have a good level. However, navigating through the complexicity of the basic French grammar, verbs, tenses and sentence structure can be daunting for many.

We will help you go from 'I don't understand anything in class' to 'I helped my friend understand'.

A Level

A Level French is a real step up from the GCSE level. Students can struggle to accomodate with the pace and be lost with the complexicity of the grammar and tenses.

We will help you understand all the last key difficulties of the language and work on your speaking.

DELF & equivalent

Some companies will require a French level exam, usually DELF or equivalent at a certain level (A,B, C).

The exam is also a way for the company to check that you will be able to communicate in French on a day to day basis. So during the classes, we will work on both your exam and your future work.

We don't just help you to successfully sit your exam, we also aim at giving you all the tools you need to be able to use your French in real life!

The earlier you start, the better the results!

Cost starts at £25/hour. Boost package available on demand.